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Spinning by Peggy Hammond


Orb spider

webs her magic

beside our back door.

For two days

we watch her float the middle,

dance, then still.

Watch her tiptoe

across soft net,

tightrope walker,

hide behind light fixture.

A small thing catches,

profanes two rows,

spins helpless,


Then, third morning,

she’s gone, no trace

she was ever there,

no strands lifting on soft breeze.

What alchemy she

has worked. As dawn

transforms dark to light,

we blink, shake loose

from her


Peggy Hammond lives in the mountains of North Carolina. Her recent poems appear or are forthcoming in Roanoke Review, The Spotlong Review, Straylight Literary Magazine, ZiN Daily, Ghost City Review, Salvation South, The Shore, Street Cake Magazine, NELLE, The Avalon Literary Review, and elsewhere. She is a Best of the Net nominee, an Eric Hoffer Poetry Award nominee, and the author of The Fifth House Tilts (Kelsay Books, 2022). Find her on Twitter @PHammondPoetry or visit her website:


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