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DEDICATE by Sarah Doyle

After laying a clutch of eggs, mother octopuses quit eating and waste away. […] By the time the eggs hatch, the mother octopuses are dead.

– Independent, 17th May 2022 *


downdeep seawater saltkeep guardian homefind instinct shelters generate

cavedark maternal shielded tentacle primeval parental deepcold populate

seafloor makesafe eggstore keepsafe keepdeep darkdeep reefdeep incubate

lonelife solitude impelled quietude calmhush coldrush withdraw insulate

broodbed clutches muchmany mothered moresame capsules replicas template

softbody dreaming slowtime weakened diminish languish dwindles enervate

starving shutdown starving shutdown starving shutdown starving stagnate

sacpurge delivery lifewane legacies lastgasp lastgift multiply recreate

Sarah Doyle is the Pre-Raphaelite Society’s Poet-in-Residence. She has been published widely and placed in many competitions. A pamphlet of poems collaged from fragments of Dorothy Wordsworth’s journals – Something so wild and new in this feeling – was published by V. Press in 2021, and her second pamphlet, (m)othersongs, was published by the same press in autumn 2023.

Website: / Twitter: @PoetSarahDoyle


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