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Crossword clues for longing by Imogen Osborne

Crossword clues for longing

  1. In the bottom drawer of my dresser, I still keep your (3, 6)

  2. Bone linking scapula and sternum (8)

  3. Long-legged freshwater and coastal bird in the Ardeidae family (5)

  4. Another word for hope (5)

  5. I say father you say (10)

  6. Hard to love (10)

  7. We’re spitting sea water from our mouths, barely above freezing (5)

  8. Visiting your grief curled on its perch. I feed it a pellet and you let me. (8)

  9. Got nothing on you (6)

  10. How much do you love me? (3, 2, 4)

Answers in order of clues:

In the bottom drawer of my dresser, I still keep your (Red Jumper) / the (Clavicle) bone links the scapula and sternum / priest of the pond, long-legged bird, (Heron) also our word for hope, though sometimes pronounced (Raven) / You say father I say (Everything) / Hard to love, in other words (Hereditary) / Do you remember, spitting sea water from our mouths, barely above freezing, it’s Springtime and we’re (Saved) / (Intimacy) is visiting your grief curled on its perch. We feed it a pellet. / (Nobody) got nothing on you, sweet one / how much do you love me? Well, that would be (All At Once)

Imogen Osborne grew up in Bristol, England. She studied Literature at the University of Cambridge and now lives in Ithaca, NY, where she is earning an MFA from Cornell University. Her debut chapbook, New Year, was published in 2021 as winner of the Cheltenham Poetry Festival's New Voices Award. Her poetry and fiction has been published in Expat Press, Apocalypse Confidential, Anthropocene and elsewhere. Her short story was recently longlisted for the Wasafiri new writing prize.

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04 dec 2024

Writing a crossword clue is both an art and a puzzle in the mini hints. The process of breaking down a word, experimenting with its components, and playing with definitions can lead to unexpected, clever clues in brand counters. It’s a mix of logic of swisher leaf, creativity, and intuition that takes time to master in brand in marketing


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