Cheese in a budget hotel room
Wouldn’t do this at home – naked and plateless.
Here is different. We set it on the bed, a decisive
wedge of intent, local and organic. Reverently we
undress it from waxed paper, inhale its ripe tang.
Beautiful thing, pungent with lust – we smile stupid
smiles over our bounty, mouths wet. I break first, grab
with both hands, bring it to my lips, bite deep. Taste
soothes my tongue – warm as a hand cupping a loved
belly in half-doze before daylight. Our prize gives in
my grip, crumbs tumble between my tits, and we’re
gone, a thumbprint-flick invite to roll under every
clean sheet we never knew we wanted. The frenzy
hits – my tooth-marks a grooved welcome to yours:
you bow your head down to it, begin to eat.
Holly Magill’s poetry has appeared in numerous magazines and anthologies. In 2019 she won first prize in the Cannon Poets ‘Sonnet or Not’ competition. She co-edits the online poetry magazine, Atrium – Her debut pamphlet, The Becoming of Lady Flambé, was published by Indigo Dreams in 2019. Her second pamphlet 20 was published by Drunk Muse Press in Spring 2023.